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Independent Publisher: THE Voice of the Independent Publishing Industry

“Our winning of a gold medal in the 2008 competition has greatly helped book sales. We sold nearly 2500 copies of Wild Alberta at the Crossroads last year and had to order a reprint of 1500. When we show retailers the gold medal they are always impressed and invariably order some books.”

- Robin White, NatureWatch Partners

“My latest project was planned as a more personal story. It became a lengthy labor of love. When I made the decision to enter my book in the IPPY Awards, I had no idea it was the same company who awarded me in 1997 (that year they were called the Small Press Book Awards). Fifteen years later, there I was in New York, my three daughters in attendance, receiving recognition for my work. Although years have passed, writing and publishing continues to be a wondrous and fulfilling purpose in my life.”

- Cynthia Olsen, two-time IPPY Award winner

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Recognizing Excellence in Independent Publishing


IPPY winners enjoy many benefits. As one of the oldest, most established independent book awards in operation, the Independent Publisher Book Awards (IPPYs) are well known and respected in the book industry. Our winners are:

  • Featured in a series of articles at our IndependentPublisher.com website which had over 80,000 unique visitors in the past year
  • Advertised at Shelf Awareness website
  • Promoted in press releases sent to over 2,000 publishing industry media outlets
  • Given two free passes, valued at $300, to the IPPY gala held during BookExpo America in Chicago or New York City.
  • Sent a Winner's Celebration Packet that includes a starter set of book seals, an official winner's certificate, and a medal.
  • Listed in results that are permanently archived on www.independentpublisher.com back to 1997.
  • Featured in an average of 50 articles per year internationally.

Winning feels good!

Along with the sales boost that can come from an award is the personal recognition and morale boost for all those involved. The prestige of winning can inspire staff to promote the book with more enthusiasm and give the title's marketing campaign new life. Use this excitement to send out a new wave of press releases and sales pitches to a variety of potential customers. Everybody loves a winner!

Winners gain:

  • Increased visibility
  • Increased credibility
  • New material for press releases, brochures, etc.
  • Renewed enthusiasm of sales and marketing team
  • Use of stickers/logo on books, promotional materials, website, emails, etc.