Wanna WOMMA?

The Word of Mouth Marketing Association defines the phenomena as: "Giving people a reason to talk about your products and services, and making it easier for that conversation to take place," or putting it more technically, "It is the art and science of building active, mutually beneficial consumer-to-consumer and consumer-to-marketer communications." The WOMMA site has an excellent overview of Word of mouth marketing, with descriptions of various types of WOM like Buzz Marketing, Viral Marketing, Grassroots Marketing, Product Seeding and Brand Blogging. Also the difference between Organic WOM, that occurs naturally when people become advocates because they are happy with a product, andAmplified WOM, that occurs when marketers launch campaigns designed to encourage or accelerate WOM.

Visit the Word of Mouth Marketing site online.


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Hot Tips for Getting Book Endorsements

Bring word-of-mouth marketing to your book cover.
It's been long known by people in the ad business that the proper person (celebrity or high profile endorsements) talking about a book or a product makes all the difference in the world in sales.

Favorable comments help sell books because word-of-mouth is one of the most powerful forces in marketing! Anything you say about your book may appear self-serving and self-promotional, however words from high profile people are not.

You must ASK for words of praise for your book!

There are several things you must do even before you finish writing your book:

1.  Design your book cover. Frame a copy of the cover and put in on your desk. Spend some $$'s on the cover. Everyone judges a book by its cover. Having the cover designed in the beginning is a terrific motivator for finishing your book!

2.  After you have written several chapters, send out letters of request for endorsements. Twenty weeks before your publication date is not too soon!

Here are a few tips that I have used to get celebrity and high profile endorsements for my relationship books:

  • Start at the top! Use "star" power! Go for the BIGGIES! Any way that you can attach a brand name or celebrity to a book project, do it. Make a list of high profile people that "fit" in your area of expertise. They are the ones most likely to respond. High profile people know the value of having their name on something good.
  • Don't overlook celebrity tie-ins and corporate sponsors. Perhaps a celebrity might like have their own cookbook or a health food chain might like to have a book about health.
  • Sometimes the most credible proof of your books benefits are from third party endorsements from three diverse readers who have little else in common other than their adoration of your book. Demonstrate that they're "real people" by including their name, organization and additional credibility-building phrases. Display these "reinforcers" in your promotional materials.
  • Look for prominent online figures in your own niche to review your book. Try editors of high-profile eZINES or Websites.
  • It's better to assume that someone will give you an endorsement rather that assume than they won't and never know for sure. Some years ago, I received a hand-written endorsement from Og Mandino within 10 days of requesting it. At first, I was reluctant to ask such a revered author for an endorsement. No longer!
  • Be selective. Avoid those people whose names you find on every book you pick up.
  • Contact endorsees directly. Spend some time finding authors’ addresses and send them a letter. Requests sent to publishers rarely get forwarded to the author.
  • Send a good sample. If your book is not yet published, send enough content for them to get the "feel" of the book. Usually the table of contents and 2 or 3 chapters will do. If the book cover (front and back) is already designed, sent that too.

  • Be humble. In your letter of request, acknowledge that you know they are busy and you are an admirer of their work.
  • Make giving an endorsement easy for them. Most high profile people are very busy. Write 2 or 3 endorsements for them (who better can do this than you) and ask them either edit, rewrite or write one of their own. Make it grrreat!! Writing a good endorsement is a creative act; it takes time and careful thought. Editing a pre-written endorsement is easier and faster. You will get a higher and much quicker response. Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
  • State your timeframe. Tell them your deadline date (45 days or more works well for most - some may take longer) and let them know that if they are unable to meet the deadline, to please send an endorsement for use in your promotional material or for the second printing of the book. Requesting that someone write the foreword for your book can be approached in a similar manner as endorsement, however be sure to allow a longer deadline.
  • Use endorsements in all of your marketing. When you get these endorsements, make sure you post them prominently on your Website and in all promotional materials. Devote a special page in the front of your book for endorsements you cannot use on the cover. I can assure you that your credibility and sales will increase because of them.
  • Shameless Tip: Offer to write endorsements for other author's books. I have written more than 100 endorsements and several forewords for other authors because I offered to do so. It is good for them and great publicity for me.

    Bonus Tip: Need celebrity addresses for book endorsements? Check out:

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    Larry James is a professional speaker and the author of three relationship books, How to Really Love the One You're With: Affirmative Guidelines for a Healthy Love Relationship, LoveNotes for Lovers: Words That Make Music for Two Hearts Dancing and Red Hot LoveNotes for Lovers. Larry James also offers "Author & Speaker" coaching. Contact:AuthorsandSpeakersNetwork.com, email: LarryJames@AuthorsandSpeakersNetwork.com