
Announcing the Living Now Book Awards

Publishing and book marketing service provider Jenkins Group Inc. announces the fourth entry to their family of book awards contests, the Living Now Book Awards, designed to honor the year's best books that help readers attain healthier, more fulfilling, and productive lives. The new book awards program will accept entries until February 21st, 2009 for books with 2007 or 2008 copyrights or that were released in 2007 or 2008. The new contest is presented by Jenkins Group and IndependentPublisher.com, sponsors of the popular Independent Publisher Book Awards, now in their 13th year.

The Living Now Book Awards are designed to bring increased recognition to the year’s very best lifestyle books and their creators. We all seek healthier, more fulfilling and productive lives, and books are an important tool for gaining knowledge about how to achieve these goals for ourselves and our loved ones.

The purpose of the Living Now Book Awards is to celebrate the innovation and creativity of newly published books that can enhance the quality of our lives, from cooking and entertaining to fitness and travel. The awards are open to all books written in English and intended for the North American market. Winning a Living Now Book Award will bring recipients the credibility and publicity they need to further their book marketing and sales success.

Lifestyle publishing categories such as home, health and self-improvement are the fastest-growing segments of book publishing today, and the Living Now Book Awards will help demonstrate the importance of these books to readers and their vitality in the marketplace. The Living Now award seal on a book’s cover will become a symbol that says, “This book will improve and enrich your life! Buy me today!”

There’s a revolution going on in the world today, and it’s not about violence or social upheaval, but it is about social change. People all over the planet are sensing the ever-quickening pace of technology and consumerism, and realizing the need to slow down, see and feel the natural world around them, and to find balance in their lives. We need to work, play, and spend time with family and friends. We need good nutrition, exercise, and relaxation. We need to keep ourselves healthy, and need to keep the Earth healthy – today, and for future generations.

The Living Now Book Awards are intended to promote newly-published lifestyle books and their creators. Natural, healthy living doesn’t come easy – it’s much harder work to grow your own beans than to buy them at the supermarket, and much simpler to buy a designer sweater than to knit it yourself – using the wool you spun from the sheep you raised yourself! The Living Now Book Awards will recognize books that help readers help themselves, to learn about enriching their lives in wholesome, Earth-friendly ways.

“The trend toward Green Living is vital to our health and well-being, and very likely to our longtime survival on the planet,” said Jenkins Group president and founder Jerrold R. Jenkins. “As with many trends that come from the great minds of our civilization, the publishing industry leads the way in spreading knowledge to the public. Publishers are not only making great strides to become a ‘greener’ industry, but they are also bringing a myriad of ‘green’ books to readers eager to live healthier lives.”

Jenkins Group has been involved in book packaging, marketing and distribution since 1988, and is dedicated to promoting books that improve readers’ lives, bring families together, and make the world a safer, healthier place. From Family Safety to Home Improvement; Gardening to Quilting, the Living Now Book Awards contest will reward books in a wide variety of lifestyle categories, designed to create a reading list of titles that

“We all live such busy lives today,” says Jenkins. “It’s all about achieving balance and finding time to enjoy the world around us. What brings more peace and tranquility than reading a book, sipping some organic tea, and eating a fresh-baked cookie with your children next to the fireplace you built from hand-hewn fieldstone?”