
The Surprising Day Jobs of 20 Famous Writers

An Infographic

As many indie authors and self-publishers know, starting and maintaining a career in writing can be tough. It isn't always feasible to quit your day job, and those hours working can be both a cramp on your writing style and an inspiration. But never fear! As this infographic from The Expert Editor proves, you are in good company; even famous writers toiled away at day jobs. 

Making a full time living as a writer is no easy task, even for the most prolific and talented scribblers. Many a Nobel and Pulitzer Prize winning author slogged away at a miserable day or night job for years to make ends meet before the world got wind of their genius.

Some authors spent their entire lives working in unglamorous professions using their off hours toiling away at literary masterpieces that no one would read until after their death.

So aspiring bestselling authors pumping petrol and washing dishes take heart. Everybody has to start somewhere and many famous writers found inspiration for some of their most revered pieces of writing from jobs that seemed like dead ends.