Back-to-School 2000 Marks Another Increase in Homeschooling Trend

In Response to Need for Homeschooling Products and Information, Book Retailers Expanding Resources from Regional to National Level.
As millions of students head back-to-school this month, approximately 1.3 - 1.7 million youths will be staying home -- and not because of sickness. This growing percentage of children is staying home for their education -- a trend that is increasing by an estimated 7-15 percent annually.

With these numbers quickly spreading from rural to more mainstream areas, national resources for homeschooling products, recommendations and information are becoming increasingly more important. Parents previously restricted to limited selections and regionalized searching now have easier access to the information they need.

In response to the growth, has launched its dedicated homeschooling store devoted to providing the ultimate selection of homeschooling books, videos, software, curriculum guides, test prep manuals, games and other resources.

- 25% of homeschooled children are learning at one grade level above their peers that are not homeschooled

- Homeschooled children on average score above conventionally schooled children in both reading and math

- The Internet is perfectly tailored to homeschooling parents' needs for searching, selection and shopping at home

Located at the store features expert editorial recommendations, an ultimate selection and the comprehensive tools needed for first-time as well as seasoned homeschooling parents. Packaged in one easy to navigate area, the Homeschooling store provides the comfort and convenience of discovering the best products to suit individual children and families.