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Toulouse-Lautrec lived during the latter half of the nineteenth century, during what have been called "the banquet years" of Paris, when the mood of the city and its denizens was lively and bacchanalian. These were fat years of jubilant celebration, when the Gallic spirit eschewed tradition and eccentric surrealists walked lobsters on leashes through public parks. During the 1890s-la belle époque-an unprecedented artistic explosion took place. Colorful, exuberant posters became the trademark medium of the day, and Toulouse-Lautrec was undisputed master of the medium. Famed for his posters of the Moulin Rouge, this respected artist was a notorious brothel crawler and was said to keep a bit of absinthe in his hollowed out walking cane.Copies of the book, originally published in 1966, are available at Alibris for anywhere from $18 - $81.

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