Kali Press Premiers First Book on Australian Blue Cypress Oil in Time for Sydney 2000 Summer Olympic Games

A unique discovery has arrived in the world--an essential oil from the "top end" of the Northern Territory of Australia.
The indigenous "Tiwis" are surrounded by these Blue Cypress trees on their island habitats of Melville and Bathurst Islands. Their culture has used the bark and wood for cuts, burns, insect bites and stomachaches. Along with the Birth of the Blue Dr. Jurgen Klein of Jurlique in Adelaide Hills, Australia has created an entire line of Aromatherapy products specifically chosen for the Olympic Games. Every athlete at the Summer Olympics will have the opportunity to use the oil in massages before and after competitions.

Australian Blue Cypress oil has a natural, incredible aquamarine blue color, hence the name and the book title. Birth of the Blue weaves a fascinating story about the Tiwi people and their relationship with this brand new essential oil. Kali Press also publishes books on Tea Tree Oil and other important herbal discoveries.