Bestseller Lists Get Better

Book Sense Announces New, Weekly Extended Bestseller Lists
On Wednesday, April 2, Book Sense launched its first weekly Extended Bestseller lists, posted on ABA's trade Web site, The Extended Bestseller lists show the top 16 - 50 bestselling books in the categories of hardcover fiction and nonfiction and trade paperback fiction and nonfiction, as reported by hundreds of independent bookstores across the country. The Extended Bestseller lists will be posted on Wednesday afternoons along with the regular Book Sense Bestseller lists.

Book Sense created the extended lists to give booksellers more information about what is selling. "We believe that more information will help booksellers track sales patterns and help them discover new titles on the horizon. The goal is to help buyers make more informed decisions," said Meg Smith, associate director for Book Sense marketing. "It's meant to be a real resource for booksellers and for publishers, who are also interested in the new list."

The Extended Bestseller lists are available to booksellers and publishers online in an HTML format at

Smith noted that the extended lists will be an important complement to the ever-expanding Book Sense Category Bestseller lists. The Category Bestseller lists were created in response to inquiries from media outlets that wanted to know how books in specific categories were selling. The first category list, Cookbooks, was published on June 27, 2002.

On Thursday, April 4, Book Sense released the Poetry: Chapter and Verse (Part 1) bestseller list, to coincide with the beginning of National Poetry Month. Part 2 will be released on May 1. "It will be interesting to see how the events of National Poetry Month influence the sales of poetry books," Smith said.

Other tentatively scheduled Category Bestseller lists are: Flowers, Plants, and Earthly Delights, for April 10; World Religions, for April 17; Hispanic Literature, for May 1; and The Tribe: Parents and Children, for May 15.

Smith stressed that it's important for all booksellers to report to the bestseller lists. "The more booksellers that report, the more accurate the lists, and the more influential independent booksellers become," she said.