Ebrary.com Creates WIN-WIN-WIN for Publisher, Library and

Ebrary.com is aiming to become the Web's most authoritative research library and information resource.
Unlike the traditional online bookstore or library that simply delivers content, ebrary.com provides a path to discovery and understanding. Founded in February 1999, the site is the first to offer researchers, academics, students and the general public the ability to freely search and browse the largest collection of books, periodicals, maps and annuals ever assembled online. In addition, ebrary.com will enable the user to securely copy or print any portion of a document by paying a small fee. The site will launch soon, and visitors can register now to receive launch notification.

The formation of ebrary.com marked a revolution in the way research is conducted. For decades, libraries and bookstores have been limited in selection by four walls and budgetary constraints. The Web as an alternative has been ineffective due to the unavailability of a search engine powerful enough to allow searches within searches of high-quality copyright-protected content. Free content on the Internet has been of little value to someone conducting research.

Ebrary.com is the first company to combine secure digital rights technology with a collection of content rivaling that of the world's largest library or bookstore to enable the free viewing of entire books online and to provide the ability to pay for the use of only the content desired, down to the sentence level. Powerful InfoTools allow for instant bibliographies, definitions, translations and maps relating to any highlighted text.

Ebrary.com provides publishers with a brand new revenue channel by allowing the sale of portions of copyright-protected content, and also maximizes exposure of copyright-protected titles in a way that nourishes and expands the sale of books. Ebrary.com provides libraries with a revenue opportunity with virtually no investment, and profiles user interest to help libraries better service their customers.

Ebrary.com creates a win-win-win scenario for the publisher, library and end user. Lots of services can help you find what you want to look for. Ebrary.com helps you easily discover and better understand what you want to know.