IP Notables

Ready, Set, Action! An Entertainment Fun Book for Parents of Dyslexic Pre-Teens

E Labs Publishing; Austin, TX;
www.elabsworkbook.com; 112 page softcover; $24.95 (Aug 2012); ISBN: 978-0615483887

A guide for parents and their dyslexic pre-teens, Ready, Set, Action! comprehensively explores the potential writer and actor living within your son or daughter and all that is encompassed in that exploration.  Increased confidence, writing skills and fun while learning are just a few of the things that will be gained from this book.  Magician, musician and dyslexic David Carlson presents an extremely organized guide of never ending inspiration.  Based on his own challenges and successes, Carlson created a masterpiece full of dynamic ideas and activities specifically for developing adolescents.  He will extract the dreamer out of your child, to follow his heart and to think BIG.  The theme is clear, the world is wide open, limitless… go get it!  


Your pre-teen will flourish with delight and tap into his or her innate talents in a charismatic way that holds no boundaries, in an area that may otherwise be a struggle.  Verbal skills, the ability to express one’s self and general writing skills are paramount to success now and forever.  Give your child a voice through the cutting edge opportunities presented in this animated, entertaining and resourceful book written just for your pre-teen!  Encouraging and reassuring, the message is clear… We are all gifted, we all have the ability to be creative, to explore; we all have ideas that are worth sharing and we are all writers.  

