IP Notables
Forever Home: Tales of Four Lucky Dogs
In Forever Home we are introduced to four unique furry friends, each with his or her own endearing personality, yet with a binding dream… to be adopted and loved, to be part of a family. Lynn Whitman touches her reader’s hearts and creates a little space in them for these adorable beings seeking a home. Deb Hoeffner’s illustrations are filled with humor and would motivate just about any compassionate reader to get out there and give these homeless creatures what they dream of. Whitman precisely executes her goal in giving a voice to these marble eyed beauties and creating a riveted connection between canine and reader. Her passion for dogs is evident and the need for them to be rescued and given what they deserve shines through the pages of this book.
Let these dogs delight you… Max with his eyes, one of blue and one of brown and his ears that flop at the top, Lila with her big snout and quizzical gaze, Sam with his playful spirit and fluffy coat, and last Cocoa, the chocolate lab that couldn’t be any sweeter. Each comes from a different place, with a different story, but all need the same thing, a home, love and the opportunity to thrive!