IP Notables

A Journey of Clarity

Self-Published with CreateSpace; Charleston, SC; www.CreateSpace.com; 160 page paperback, Kindle and audio; $10.71 (Dec 2011); ISBN: 978-0615573717

When looking up the word clarity in the dictionary, you are referenced to the word clear.  Upon finding the word clear, you will see the word easy sprinkled through the numerous definitions, reoccurring again and again.  Let the 8 powerful practices offered by Ana Diez in, A Journey to Clarity, be your pilot on a flight path to easy.  In the throes of everyday life, amidst chaos and fast paced busi-ness, allow this book to guide you to calm, just as the title claims, in the midst of any situation. 

The words Ana compassionately writes to her mother on the dedication page emulate this books core lessons and is a true reflection of what this intuitive manual has to offer.  She writes, “The way in which you move through every situation reminds me of how effortless life can be when lived from a place of kindness and compassion.”  Reading these words is like taking a mindful, deep inhale and then letting it all out.  It is cleansing, releasing, and powerful.  Laden with innate wisdom, the pages that follow offer more of the same.

Let A Journey of Clarity move you to a peaceful existence; let it teach you to surrender.  Providing obtainable, direct information, this how-to is a must-have.  Through its powerful suggestions and activities you will experience the transformation that must occur to live a life of calm, of truth, a life lead with the heart.


