IP Notables

A Romance with Indonesian Cooking

Self-Published; Melbourne, Australia; www.LilianLiem.com; 143 page hardcover; $25.00 (Nov 2012); ISBN: 978-0646568072

This touching dedication from wife, Irene Liem to her late husband, Dr. BK Liem hits home as we contemplate through Part 1: The Journey, the importance that food brings to our human experiences with those we love.  A Romance with Indonesian Cooking demonstrates this perfectly.  This is not just a cookbook.  This is a story.  A love story.  One that will inspire you and have you dancing your way to the kitchen as you prepare to execute the most delicious, unique dishes of the orient.

These Indonesian recipes have evolved from traditional ones commonly consumed in Indonesia.  Offering healthy concoctions, both meat based and vegetarian alike, these creations are not only delicious but a cinch to prepare! 

Dr. Liem spent a lifetime perfecting these Indonesian delights that are now offered to you, the reader, complete with a historical overview, enticing photographs, helpful techniques and various menu designs.  Nourish and wow your guests and loved ones with recipes such as Opor Ayam (Braised Chicken in Coconut Milk) and Pisang Goreng (Banana Fritters) as the romantic semblance of this artful book sweeps over you!

